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Right after they’re done with the beauty contest, the Russian army will be significantly rearming. Although alarming news for world stability, this is fantastic news for Hollywood. They could sorely use a fresh, yet trusted source of villainy. There have been some good Terrorism-themed films, Syriana comes to mind, as well as independent gems like Kite Runner and Paradise Now, but there have also been some terribly schlocky offerings like The Kingdom and Traitor. The slippery subject matter of ‘terrorism’ is great for the ‘thought-provoking’ tag and oscar buzz , but can often be a hurdle to mainstream reception and the millions of dollars that come with it. Not with Russians! What simple villains! Good looking, sinister white people from a horribly cold climate, craving world domination. Muwahahahahahaha. The best villains ever. Action movies, suspense thrillers, comic book movies… these are the blockbusters. It’s a license to print money!

Is Hollywood ahead of the curve? If you GIS ‘Russian Villian’ you get some interesting results. I was hoping to find a photo of Ivan Drago or Xenia Onatopp or maybe a cute little Vladimir Putin pic, but you know what came up?



Comeback complete for Mickey Rourke, who’s lined up to play the Russian villain ‘Whiplash’ in Iron Man 2. The character’s apparently going to be a composite, based on the Crimson Dynamo series of villians. Sounds like Hollywood execs have been playing a lot of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. When’s your big break coming Uatu? Nothing in the works for a creepy inter-dimensional Watcher with a ginormous dome?  Don’t fret, your day will come.

And since these films rake in the dough, every actor in Hollywood is bending over backwards to get into a potential Marvel franchise. The short lists of actors being considered for Thor were released. When you think of an actor to play badass psycho demi-god Loki, you think of Josh Hartnett don’t you? Yea, I barfed a little too.

Here’s some homework for you studio execs:

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 is on the horizon.  Booyah!

Just saw in the news that Freida Pinto (below), from Slumdog Millionaire, is in the running for the next ‘bond girl’, and then stumbled upon this exquisite photo slideshow of every bond girl ever.  Who’s your favorite?  I always want to say Barbara Bach in The Spy Who Loved Me, but I could never vote against Daniela Bianchi in the classic From Russia With Love. And then there’s Sophie Marceau of course…..  oh the inner turmoil.

85 pictures total.  Enjoy monday morning.

Grand Palais